UN WOMEN supported “The best father-in-law” contests in provinces of the country
29 November 2018
UN Women supported “The best father-in-law” contests in 16 villages of Talas, Issyk-Kul, Batken and Osh provinces of Kyrgyzstan. The aim of the contest was to draw attention to the problem of gender-based violence in order to demonstrate creative potential of older people and young people to strengthen intergenerational ties. Contests were conducted under the project “Across Generations and Gender Borders-Communities Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Kyrgyzstan”. Project is being implemented by UN Women Kyrgyzstan in partnership with HelpAge International and public association “Agents of Change” with financial support from the European Union.

Four fathers-in-law were selected from 16 target villages according to certain criteria: age over 45, desire to make positive changes in the community, artistry, creativity and a sense of humor. They performed in several rounds of the competition. In the “Greeting” part, each father-in-law introduced himself and his family, and told the main motto of his family. In "Popular wisdom" round participants demonstrated knowledge of proverbs about family and relationship between children and parents. "Impromptu" round revealed a sense of humor of the participants - they need to come up with a funny caption to the pictures that appear on the screen.
“The best father-in-law” is an unusual contest that was held in Kyrgyzstan for the first time. This is an attempt to establish an entertaining form of dialogue between generations to fight against forced and early marriages, as well as to spread information about responsibility for offenses in this area,”says Nazgul Asangozhoeva-Baekova, Country Director of HelpAge International.
"Way out of the situation" round deserves special attention, for each participant, a mini-sketch related to bride kidnapping and early marriage will be played by members of intergenerational groups. Participants had to play their assigned roles and give their answers. For example, your daughter was kidnapped, what are you going to do? Or your daughter was beaten by her husband, what would you do in this case?
There is also a round for knowledge of legislation on forced and early marriages, and the final round is a talent show. All participants got rewards and winners were determined in the nominations "The best father-in-law", "The wisest father-in-law", "The most creative father-in-law" and "The funniest father-in-law".
"The best father-in-law" contests were held in November 2018. Contestants received valuable prizes - household appliances: vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, multicookers, heaters.
For more information on events please contact project coordinators of provinces:
Talas province: Marina Edigeeva, +996 (555) 87 34 22, +996 (777) 87 34 22, madigeeva@gmail.com
Issyk-Kul province: Venera Yzakova, +996 (709) 26 16 76, +996 (556) 92 87 78, yrist.karakol@gmail.com
Batken province: Svetlana Halbaeva, +996 (779) 21 13 08, +996 (554) 70 35 25, svetlana-is@mail.ru
Osh province: +996 (773) 27 93 78, +996 (556) 00 86 22, knishanov@mail.ru
For more information on “Across Generations and Gender Borders-Communities Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Kyrgyzstan” please contact Meriza Emilbekova, UN Women Communications and Advocacy Specialist at tel: 0770 07 85 25, e-mail: meriza.emilbekova@unwomen.org