UNRC a.i. Speech at the ceremonial meeting dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the Independence of the Kyrgyz Republic
Ms. Louise Chamberlain, UN RC a.i. and UNDP RR, delivered the speech at the high level event dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of Kyrgyzstan's Independence.

Your Excellency President Japarov!
Dear representatives of the Parliament, Government and state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic!
Dear representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Thank you for the opportunity to be here and address you at this solemn event. On behalf of the UN System in the Kyrgyz Republic, I would like to offer our heartfelt congratulations on the 30th Anniversary of the Independence of the Kyrgyz Republic!
Thirty years is a comparatively short period for a country whose people has lived on this blessed land for some two thousand years. But these thirty years have become a very important period in the history of the people, a stage in the revival in the modern world of the centuries-old history of Kyrgyz statehood, ancient culture and traditions.
The Declarations on State Sovereignty of December 15, 1990 and of State Independence of August 31, 1991 expressed firm intent for Kyrgyzstan to move along the pathway of a democratic state based on the rule of law, protection and fulfillment of human rights and freedoms; with free political, economic, social and spiritual development of the people of Kyrgyzstan; protection of the fundamental interests of both the state and its people; as well as equal participation in the world community. And the country embarked on a path of transformation and reforms, with the vectors of further development evolving with new historical conditions and realities.
The newly founded Kyrgyz Republic became a member of the United Nations on the 2nd of March, 1992. Since then, the Kyrgyz Republic has become an equal member of the international society and acceded to many international treaties and UN conventions in the areas of peace and security, human rights, economic and social development. These steps evidence the country's strong desire and readiness to participate in global intergovernmental processes, and are an important basis for cooperation with the UN system, also at country level.
Over and above its status as a member state, the Kyrgyz Republic has been elected to and is actively working in a number of key UN statutory bodies – its voice confident from the rostrum of the UN in world summits and meetings on key issues of development, peace, and security. A number of initiatives put forward by Kyrgyzstan have been supported by the international community and are reflected in UN General Assembly Resolutions on economic, social, environmental and humanitarian cooperation and development. The country has made substantial contributions to international cooperation around mountainous ecosystems and biodiversity protection.
Long-term partnership and cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and the United Nations has intensified and deepened during these thirty years. UNDP started its work in Kyrgyzstan in 1992, as did UNICEF, and today we have some 27 UN system agencies that contribute to deliver the joint strategic framework.
The UN’s joint work is based on close partnerships at the level of the state and with local communities, non-governmental organizations, civil society, as well as with international development partners. Our approach – anchored on national priorities and leadership – contributes to an atmosphere of mutual trust, shared responsibility, and friendly relations, as key factors for the successful achievement of mutually defined goals and objectives.
And the UN including the Bretton Woods institutions has stood beside Kyrgyzstan in some of the most difficult periods of the country's development, supporting democratic transformations, made efforts to prevent and overcome the consequences of natural disasters and emergencies, as well as financial, economic, social and political crises, calling attention to the need for development and humanitarian assistance to the people of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Today, UNDP and other UN system agencies work closely supporting the government to mainstream the Sustainable Development Goals into all aspects of development policy, planning and financing. With the SDGs, Member States took it upon themselves to not just to reduce but in fact eradicate poverty, and to reach those furthest left behind first, or letting resources reach to all corners of the country in the aim to also eliminate discrimination and exclusion. And so, in 2020, when the world was gearing up to enter a decade of accelerated progress towards SDGs the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged our societies, as perhaps the greatest disruptions to development in our time. Many Kyrgyzstanis suffered personal loss or made great sacrifices that cannot be compensated, while poverty and deprivation has risen drastically. Our joint fight must continue to address the human and socioeconomic impacts of this crisis.
But there is hope and opportunity. First of all, the response to the COVID-19 pandemic through a massive crisis response from the amazing civil society and voluntary sector of this country. Groups of people formed locally to support and, in some cases, replace public services and compensate for unavoidable gaps when the system became overwhelmed. This demonstrated a unique resilience quality of the Kyrgyzstani people, and the freedom of assembly as a unique strength to preserve and protect. Equally important to protect is the vibrant diversity of voices being heard, even the critical ones.
As a global community, we can work together to find solutions to the challenges and form new alliances that can protect the most vulnerable, on the basis of trust, mutual accountability, and the sustainability of institutions. We can focus on innovative solutions to expand resources for development finance, and we can use digital transformation as an enabler and accelerator for future reforms. The private sector and entrepreneurs, if supported and unleashed by enabling factors, will solve the problems of an economy in remission.
As part of comprehensive reforms, it is important for the country to invest in better governance systems that protect and guarantee fulfillment of fundamental human rights, that contribute to eliminate corruption, and increase the accountability of state structures to deliver services that improve the health and well-being of people. Inter- ethnic tolerance, as advocated by Manas the Great and Generous, will help to overcome challenges. The forces that bring people together must be made stronger than those that force peoples apart.
At a time when the Central Asia region is once again exposed to new risks and threats of violent conflicts, we can take preventive measures to increase peace and stability, by establishing trust and cooperation in all spheres. A peaceful path will require improving people’s sustainable access and use of resources and finding better balance between ecology and economy. A path of low carbon development and adaptation to climate change can reduce the risks of natural disasters and the loss of life. Such measures, and a fair and equitable distribution of resources, will contribute to preserve peace, hinder the growth of terrorism, extremism and serve to further strengthen trust and good cooperation with Kyrgyzstan’s neighbors.
By all means it is important to overcome all forms of violence and discrimination against all people, and especially women and girls, so they can live up to their full potential and continue to lift and flourish this country as they have throughout history.
Let me express confidence that these and other key priorities of sustainable development, which are now widely discussed in the country, aligned with the national interests and obligations of Kyrgyzstan, will be reflected in the new strategic documents currently being developed in the country.
On the part of UNDP and our UN sister agencies, we are ready to further scale up cooperation with all our partners to achieve practical results in the interests of people.
I would like to end by wishing all the Kyrgyzstani people and all our dear national partners of all faiths, origins, and ethnicities, continued success on the path towards sustainable development in the years to come.
To conclude, I would like to quote a few lines from the national anthem of Kyrgyzstan:
Алгалай бер, кыргыз эл,
Азаттыктын жолунда.
Өркүндөй бер, өсө бер,
Өз тагдырың колуңда.
March forward, Kyrgyz people,
On the path of freedom forward!
Grow up, people, flourish
Your own fate is in your hands!
We are with you on this noble pathway. I wish you good health and prosperity! Thank you – Chong Rahmat.