Press Release

The Government of Japan and WFP join forces to build sustainable businesses in remote villages of the Kyrgyz Republic

22 July 2022

Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic – UN World Food Program in the Kyrgyz Republic (WFP), with the financial support from the Government of Japan and in partnership with “Dordoi-Dary” (private sector partner), established a mini-processing workshop to extract high-value essential oils and the production of dried herbs in At-Bashy district, Naryn province.

The new medicinal herb-processing workshop will allow the villagers to benefit from cultivation and supply of large variety of herbs for production of high-quality products utilized in several industries such as cosmetics, food, medicine and pharmaceutics.

“It is difficult to objectively evaluate ourselves and our surroundings. Sometimes there is value in what we are not aware of and what we take for granted. This is exactly what this workshop is about - the nature in this area has value, and by commercializing the gifts of nature, we can generate income and provide employment opportunities for people in this region”, said Shigeki Maeda, Ambassador of Japan to the Kyrgyz Republic.

The workshop has a production capacity of processing up to 3,000 kg of herbs per day and will employ up to 10 people from low-income families, depending on the season. Additionally, 1,000 vulnerable smallholders benefitted by participaiting in trainings on herb planting agro-technologies (chamomile, valerian, calendula, sage, mint) to supply raw materials to the workshop.

“We thank the Government of Japan for its support to smallholder farmers in remote areas of the country,” said Kojiro Nakai, WFP Country Director and Representative in the Kyrgyz Republic. “The support is very timely in the midst of high food prices and the shocks of COVID-19. Through Public-Private Partnership, ties between the government, businesses and farmers were strengthened, creating opportunities to diversify and increase the income of vulnerable people.”

With the support from the Government of Japan, WFP has launched 20 mini agricultural processing workshops around the country over the past years, providing modern equipment and technology to local businesses. Enterprises, such as processing essential oils, drying and preserving fruits and vegetables, producing dairy products or wool, stimulates agricultural production and improves the food security of vulnerable smallholders.

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The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change.


For more information please contact:

Almaz Tchoroev, WFP Kyrgyzstan

Mobile.: +996550577597, e-mail:


Almaz Tchoroev

Almaz Tchoroev

Communications and Donor Relations Officer

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World Food Programme

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