Women's Leadership – Breakthrough into a New Era
10 March 2021
UN Women in Kyrgyzstan held the Forum ‘Women's Leadership – Breakthrough into a New Era’ at the Ala-Archa State Residency. The event was aimed at showcasing the diversity of women's leadership and the significant contribution that women make to development in Kyrgyzstan, especially in the face of the new challenges and COVID-19.
The forum coincided with a number of other key events marking significant milestone for gender equality. These included, the 95th anniversary of the beginning of the women's movement in Kyrgyzstan; the global campaign dedicated to International Women's Day on 8 March; the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women; as well as the global youth campaign – Generation Equality.
This Forum provided unique opportunity to celebrate the significant efforts of women and girls across Kyrgyzstan to shape a more equitable future and to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Forum served as a platform for dialogue between leaders of generations, raising the importance of women's participation in political processes to the forefront especially in the light of the upcoming elections to local (councils) keneshes.

Representatives from the Government of Kyrgyz Republic, international and civil society organizations attended the Forum alongside activists and representatives from the culture and business sectors. Women leaders from all regions of Kyrgyzstan shared their experience of leadership at various levels of decision-making, during the fight against the pandemic and beyond.
Online participation was offered bringing onboard various participants from all regions of the country. There were four panel discussions in total: intergenerational relationships; elections and the political participation of women; women at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19 and leadership advice.
In honor of the 95th anniversary of the women's movement in the Kyrgyz Republic, the outstanding contributions of the founders of the modern-day women's movement of the country, Ms. Rosetta Aitmatova, Ms. Kulbubu Bekturganova and Ms. Roza Otunbayeva, were acknowledged and commended.

The Forum ‘Women's Leadership – Breakthrough into a New Era’ was made possible by the UNDP Program ‘Support for Elections in Kyrgyzstan 2020-2021' with the support of the Government of Switzerland, the Government of Japan and by European Union and UN joint program ‘Spotlight initiative’.