UNODC and UN Women team up to improve data collection on gender-based violence and human trafficking in Kyrgyzstan
12 November 2018
- The National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic (NSC KR), in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the UN Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN), launched a series of training courses on data collection in relation to gender-based violence and human trafficking today in Bishkek.
The courses will run from 12 November until 6 December 2018 and target some 230 staff from regional departments of the National Statistics Committee and the Ministry of Interior, as well as social workers providing support to the population at the local level.
“Authorities are currently taking measures to address gender-based discrimination, domestic violence and human trafficking, which remain of concern in the Kyrgyz Republic”, said Luxina Tekeeva, Deputy Chair of the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic. “One of these measures relates to the improvement of systems for data collection and analysis in this area”.
In April this year, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic presented a new system for data collection on gender-based violence and human trafficking. This system is the result of a joint effort between UNODC and key national ministries and agencies: National Statistics Committee, Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health, General Prosecutor's Office, Supreme Court and crisis centers.
“UNODC intends to continue cooperation with the national partners in this area to objectively assess the current crime situation and related trends, including in relation to gender-based violence and human trafficking. This will further facilitate the adoption of effective measures aimed at reducing and preventing these crimes, as well as tracking progress towards achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals,” highlighted Koen Marquering, Acting Head of the UNODC Program Office in the Kyrgyz Republic.
The new reporting formats contain several important innovations. For example, State bodies will start collecting data on the type of abuse suffered. This can range from physical and psychological violence to abuse of an economic nature when the victim’s access to and use of financial resources, property, or other assets is restricted. The new system will also provide authorities with better insights into the prevalent forms of exploitation suffered by victims of human trafficking. The relevant government agencies have already adopted internal instructions in order to begin collecting data based on the new reporting formats.
During the training participants will gain knowledge on international standards and national legislation applicable to gender-based crimes, family violence and human trafficking; methodologies for determining the types of gender-based violence, forms of trafficking in persons, and crimes related to trafficking in persons as per newly adopted criminal legislation. Participants will also have an opportunity to improve their skills on completing the amended registration forms and preparing statistical reports.
The training courses are organized as part of the 2015-2019 UNODC Program for Central Asia with generous financial support from the Government of the United States.