Press Release

Kyrgyzstan celebrates the World Refugee Day!

19 June 2019

  • Refugees, representatives of the State Migration Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees gathered in Bishkek on Thursday celebrates World Refugee Day and pays tribute to the resilience of more than 65 million people, who were forced to flee home due to the war, persecution and violence worldwide.

BISHKEK, June 20, 2019 - World Refugee Day is also a moment to recognize the communities and people around the world who have opened their hearts and doors to refugees.  The Kyrgyz Republic established its national asylum system and has generously provided safety to over 20,000 refugees since the 1990s. Many of these refugees either locally integrated into the Kyrgyz Republic, or were resettled, or returned voluntarily to their countries. Currently there are about 400 asylum seekers and refugees in the Kyrgyz Republic.

“On World Refugee Day, it’s time to recognise their humanity in action – and challenge ourselves, and others, to join them – in receiving and supporting refugees in our schools, neighbourhoods, and workplaces. This is where solidarity starts – with all of us,” said Mr. Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

Mr. Bolotbek Ibraimzhanov, Chairman of the State Migration Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, noted, “Refugees - is one of the most challenging problems of our time that has acquired a global scale. The international community is consolidating its efforts to alleviate the plight of these people. Including our state since 1996, being a party to the 1951 UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, in accordance with its capabilities, it contributes to the work on solving the problems of refugees. Great importance is referred to the implementation of joint refugee integration programs together with UNHCR. One of the significant results of this activity is assistance to refugees in acquiring citizenship. Thus, since 2002, more than 9 thousand people have acquired the citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic. In addition, the rights of refugees, as the implementation of labor activity, entrepreneurship, the acquisition of property, the provision of judicial protection and others are implemented within the framework of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

“This event demonstrates solidarity with refugees and their host communities in Kyrgyzstan.  In doing our work, we witness every day the courage, perseverance and tenacity of refugees in the face of adversity. Most of the refugees have been living in the Kyrgyz Republic for many years and many refugee children were born on this territory. Almost all children attend schools, speak Kyrgyz or/and Russian languages and became a part of our society.  This event is a symbol of friendship among all children, and an opportunity for everyone to demonstrate his or her talents and skills, and excel further, together,” said Yasuko Oda, UNHCR Regional Representative for Central Asia.

The most interesting part of the celebration in Bishkek was sports competitions, where refugee children participated in various sports games to showcase their enthusiasm and prowess on the football field.  During sport games, refugee children performed tremendous results and showed their talents and skills that they were able to acquire in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Caption: Regional Representative of UNHCR Ms. Yasuko Oda is presenting gifts to refugees.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Goals we are supporting through this initiative