Recommendations for Reporting on Repatriation, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Children from Conflict Zones

A study and analysis of public mood on the eve of the return of the children of Kyrgyzstan from Iraq, shows that the role of the media is very important. For the sake of sensationalism, journalists and bloggers, in pursuit of their own ratings, can cause negative reactions in the population. A neutral position and unbiased coverage of the material is the main task of the journalist when preparing and broadcasting particularly sensitive topics, such as the return of citizens from conflict zones.
The UN notes in its policy documents that the return of mothers with children and orphans recruited and exploited by terrorist and extremist organizations and groups poses certain challenges to government agencies, civic and media organizations. The role of the media and journalists is crucial in educating citizens about the fundamental rights of children so that repatriated children are not stigmatized further when they return home.
This handbook for journalists and bloggers is a first attempt to develop recommendations and suggestions for correct, in our opinion, reporting on conflict-sensitive topics related to the return of women and children from war zones, based primarily on the international obligations of states to ensure the fundamental rights of children.
Our recommendations will help readers better understand and become familiar with the conceptual and categorical framework of words and definitions. We offer a brief glossary of definitions and concepts. There are also specific recommendations about what can be covered and what cannot be covered under the "Do No Harm" approach.