Recommendations from civil society on UNSDCF 2023-2027 for Kyrgyzstan

The UN team hosted a general consultation to validate the UNSDCF 2023-2027 priority areas, outcome and outputs with the current and potential partners among the civil society and activists. The consultation gathered 74 participants, including UN agencies and 49 representatives of CSOs engaged in issues such as human rights, humanitarian aid, women’s rights, children’s rights, youth, LGBTQ+, interethnic relations, migrants, refugees, peacebuilding, people with disabilities, elderly, environment and climate change, volunteering, charity, activism, education, health, culture, creative economy.
Through group discussions facilitated by UN staff, the civil society representatives provided feedback in form of recommendations to potential activities under each outcome area, as well as general feedback on how the UN System can improve its interaction with the civil society. Notes based on those discussions are presented below in clustered format.
Photos from the dialogue can be found here.