DRCU Emergency Response Plan

On 21 October 2022, the Disaster Response Coordination Unit (DRCU) Council has announced its Response Plan, aimed at addressing the most pressing needs of the population affected by the recent escalation of violence along the Kyrgyz-Tajik border. The Response Plan was presented by the Minister of Emergency Situations, Mr. Boobek Azhikeev, and the UN Resident Coordinator (UNRC), Ms. Antje Grawe.
The Response Plan is based on the findings of the DRCU’s Rapid Needs Assessment Mission, which was conducted in September 2022, as well as other assessment and sectoral analysis. It identified the following key humanitarian priorities, centered around people’s needs: food assistance; procurement of non-food items, particularly basic household supplies and appropriate clothing ahead of winter; procurement of hygiene and sanitation items; temporary shelter for the displaced population; access to essential health services including psychological and legal assistance.
The DRCU Co-chair from the UN, UNRC Antje Grawe, noted in her remarks, “We are now in a race against time ahead of the winter season, which will add another level of strain on the most affected people. Immediate funding is urgently needed to enable humanitarian partners to address the specific humanitarian needs of over 77 thousand people, as per the Response Plan.” She emphasized the critical importance of the restoration of trust and confidence to enable local residents to live in safety and revitalize their livelihoods, without fear. She concluded underlining that “in this regard, it is crucial that the sides continue their dialogue and engage only through diplomatic means to resolve outstanding issues.”
Read UNRC Antje Grawe's full statement (as delivered).
Read the press release.