UN Kyrgyzstan Annual Results Report 2022

Dear friends, partners and colleagues,
I am pleased to share with you on behalf of the entire United Nations Country Team in the Kyrgyz Republic our Annual Results Report for 2022.
This year marks the last year of our UNDAF 2018-2022 cycle as we enter in the implementation of the new generation of Cooperation Framework, therefore I would like to take a moment and reflect on what we have achieved in the past 4 years.
In this UNDAF cycle, we have exceeded the projections by 30% from the planned 221 million USD to adjust to the changing environment mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but also other lingering effects of the geopolitical tensions, war in Ukraine and food and energy crisis, all of which necessitated a closer and stronger cooperation. UN system relentlessly worked on economic empowerment, food security, nutrition and job security, with a focus on youth and women. We reached more than half a million beneficiaries increasing their food security through targeted projects, enhancing the productivity skills of rural women in the agricultural sector through direct support and facilitating the creation of sustainable jobs with companies who managed to score a remarkable 15 million USD export of their products only within one year.
Transcending in the new Cooperation Framework cycle 2023-2027, the United Nations in Kyrgyz Republic in 2022 laid the solid foundation of enhanced cooperation and partnership with the Government, civil society, media, private sector and all bilateral and multilateral partners. Past year marked the Transforming Education Summit and the subsequent commitments by the Government, the spearheading of the Mountain Agenda, enabling access to education, support to strengthening of the social protection system and not least to say the emergency and humanitarian response to the border region with Tajikistan in the aftermath of the escalation of violence.
The UN Country Team continued its strategic and close partnership with the Government of Kyrgyzstan, but also the civil society, media, private sector and academia – all in the spirit of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals anchored around the motive of Leave No One Behind. This partnership will continue also in the years to come, building on the testament of the achievements that are evidenced in this report.
On behalf of the entire UN Country Team in Kyrgyzstan allow me to end by expressing our sincere appreciation to our partners /multilateral and bilateral donors without whose generous support we would not have been able to achieve all these results, and the UN personnel who continue to work with dedication and resilience in achieving better life for everyone in Kyrgyzstan.
Antje Grawe
United Nations Resident Coordinator in the Kyrgyz Republic