Press Release

Kyrgyzstan Launches the World’s First National Survey on the Prevalence, Health, and Economic Impact of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

05 June 2024


Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan - The Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), announces the launch of the world’s first national survey to evaluate the prevalence, health, and economic impact of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in human bloodstream bacterial infections.


AMR poses a formidable challenge worldwide, rendering conventional antibiotics increasingly ineffective and threatening the efficacy of essential medical interventions. By undertaking this comprehensive survey, Kyrgyzstan is not only taking proactive steps to safeguard its population but is also setting a precedent for other nations to follow suit in the fight against AMR.

The kick-off event brought together representatives from the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, development partners and foreign embassies, various ministries and agencies, healthcare workers, WHO experts, and members of professional associations. 


As the survey progresses, the findings are anticipated to provide invaluable insights into the dynamics of AMR within Kyrgyzstan, to assess the ramifications of AMR on public health and the economy, to devise containment strategies, and to enhance clinical protocols for managing patients with bloodstream infections. Together, these insights will also inform evidence-based policies and interventions to mitigate the spread of AMR and its negative impacts. 


As of today, the WHO has supported the survey with over $300,000 in equipment and diagnostic tools. Additionally, WHO conducted comprehensive theoretical and practical training sessions for personnel from 40 hospitals across the country, as well as staff from three central reference laboratories and their affiliated institutions, all of which are crucial for the survey's success.


Dr. Liviu Vedrasco, WHO Representative to Kyrgyzstan emphasized the importance of this survey, stating, "Understanding the extent and impact of antimicrobial resistance is paramount for safeguarding public health and fostering sustainable healthcare systems. This initiative marks a pivotal moment in our collective efforts to combat this pressing global health threat."

Almaz Zhumaliev

Almaz Zhumaliev

Communications Officer

UN entities involved in this initiative

World Health Organization

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