Opening Remarks of the UNRC Antje Grawe at the Bishkek Investment Forum 2024
October 24, 2024
Your Excellency Mr. Torobaev Bakyt Ergeshevich, (Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Minister of Water Resources, Agriculture, and Processing Industry)
Mr. Joodar, Chairman of the Board of JIA Business Association,
Distinguished guests, esteemed representatives of the private sector, and colleagues,
It is such a pleasure to join you today at this important forum, where the private sector, government, and development partners come together to shape Kyrgyzstan’s future. The Bishkek Investment Forum has become a vital platform for fostering partnerships and unlocking the investment potential of this region, earning its reputation as the “Davos of Central Asia.” This is thanks to JIA and its leadership over the past nine years – congratulations!
It´s a particular pleasure to be here with you today, on UN Day, where we celebrate the entering into fore of the UN Charter 79 years ago. Integral part of the UŃ`s objectives is to foster partnerships for peace and development, so what could be a better way to start our celebrations that with our key partners in Kyrgyzstan, Government, private sector, and many others.
Kyrgyzstan stands at a turning point, with significant opportunities for economic growth and diversification. Its strategic location between major markets like China, Russia, and Europe, along with its natural resources, a young and dynamic population and many investment opportunities including in the green economy including agriculture, creative industries, and infrastructure, offers a strong foundation. However, to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth, the role of the private sector is indispensable—especially in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As highlighted in the Pact for the Future, adopted by world leaders at the Summit of the Future in New York just a month ago, we must “turbocharge” progress on the SDGs. This also means drawing on the innovation, investment, and energy of the private sector as a driver for SDG advancement. Let me place an emphasis on three key areas where the private sector plays a crucial role in this regard: financing the SDGs, driving innovation, and fostering responsible business practices. furthermore, and as highlighted by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, partnerships with businesses are essential to close the financing gaps and to accelerate progress in key areas like climate action, economic resilience and digitalization, among other, all key areas for investment in Kyrgyzstan.
Allow me to go into further detail : First, the private sector’s role in financing the SDGs cannot be overstated. Achieving the SDGs requires substantial investment, far beyond the capacities of public funding alone. The involvement of businesses, from large corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises, is vital to mobilize the necessary resources. Here in Kyrgyzstan, the focus on the green economy or the nascent, yet super dynamic creative industry offer a huge potential for private investments to create jobs, stimulate local economies, and contribute to sustainable growth. The creation of the creative industry park earlier this year provides a unique environment where startups and creative enterprises can thrive under preferential tax regimes, positioning Kyrgyzstan as a regional leader in this area.
Second, innovation and technology from the private sector are pivotal in driving forward the SDG agenda. Digital solutions, advanced technologies, and new business models can help address challenges in areas such as energy efficiency, climate resilience, inclusive education and healthcare where no one is left behind, the principle of the SDGs. This aligns with the objectives of the Global Digital Compact, also adopted at the Summit of the Future, which calls for using digital transformation to accelerate sustainable development. In Kyrgyzstan, investments in digital infrastructure and tech-based startups, supported by the environment of the High-Tech Park, can help connect remote regions, improve services, and foster economic resilience.
Third, the commitment to responsible business practices is essential for aligning growth with the principles of sustainable development. Currently, only four businesses from Kyrgyzstan participate in the UN Global Compact. By joining this initiative, more companies can commit to aligning their operations with principles that promote human rights, environmental stewardship, and anti-corruption. This not only strengthens their market competitiveness but also ensures that their activities contribute to the broader goals of social progress and environmental protection.
Creating an enabling environment is key to unlocking these opportunities. Addressing regulatory barriers, enhancing institutional capacities, and ensuring that investments reach those most in need will require collective efforts from both the public and private sectors. The UN system is working closely with the government to create the conditions for sustainable investment. This includes supporting regulatory reforms, optimizing tax incentives, and fostering a business climate that encourages investments in innovative and sustainable solutions.
Addressing these issues will require continued focus and collaboration between the Government and private sector. But as recent investments in renewable energy and infrastructure projects have shown, Kyrgyzstan has the potential to become a leader in sustainable development in the region.
Ladies and gentlemen, the path to a sustainable future in Kyrgyzstan depends on our collective efforts. The private sector is not just a participant but a key driver in this journey, helping to build an economy that benefits all while protecting our planet. Let us seize this opportunity to build an investment landscape that aligns business success with the broader goals of sustainable development, ensuring that we leave no one behind.
The UN stands ready to continue offering our expertise, resources, and partnerships to support this journey. I wish you productive discussions at today’s forum and look forward to celebrating more successes at next year’s Bishkek Investment Forum.
Thank you.
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