Introducing best practices of Russia to beekeepers in Kyrgyzstan

Introducing best practices of Russia to beekeepers in Kyrgyzstan
Today the interest in beekeeping is growing in Kyrgyzstan. Many beekeeper practitioners want to improve their knowledge and experience, and many want to start their own business in this field. However, farmers in Osh lack capacity building opportunities in this sector of agriculture.
Thus, the educational and practical training was organized for local beekeepers from Osh province from 3-5 December 2019 to learn about the best practices of the Russian Federation in beekeeping in the framework of the UNDP TFD project “Integrated Development of Osh province”.
More than a hundred beekeepers from Uzgen, Kara-Kulzha and Nookat districts of Osh province attended the training including beginners and those who already have farming experience. The intensive capacity building training was aimed at introducing the best practices of Russia applied by the federal and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation. Associate professor in beekeeping at Ryazan State Agricultural University Ms. Natalya Popova was specially invited as a trainer for this course.
Her presentations covered the key principles of intensive production systems in beekeeping, managing bee colonies, nutrition, care, and disease treatment. Ms. Popova provided evidence-based recommendations on the biological and economic characteristics of the main bee species that are bred in Kyrgyzstan and are best suited for the ecological conditions of Central Asia. Local farmers and representatives of the relevant business had the opportunity to ask questions.
According to Popova, improving the knowledge and skills of farmers plays a key role in increasing their productivity and income. “This training provides the essential knowledge of effective beekeeping, as it plays a key role in their enlightenment, increase their knowledge and, ultimately, helps in the decision-making process regarding farming in the region. I hope that the knowledge they acquired during the training regarding modern approaches to breeding apiculture will allow them to improve and expand their farms, and increase incomes,”- she said.
To consolidate the theory in practice, beekeepers were invited to the apiary in the village of Kyzyl-Senir in Kurshab municipality of Uzgen district, where the Russian expert gave an overview of the conditions for keeping bees, the organization of the apiary, the maintenance of bee colonies, production of beekeeping products and their quality, disease prevention and measures struggle with them and many others.
The initiative became possible with the financial support of the Russian Federation in the framework of the UNDP project “Integrated Development of Osh province” and is aimed at the development of beekeeping and agriculture in general. The project uses Russia's vast experience in increasing agricultural production through knowledge exchange during visits by farmers of the Osh region to successful farms of the Russian Federation and intensive training by invited experts from leading Russian scientific and educational institutions.