Experts Discuss Industrial and Technological Priorities in Kyrgyzstan
24 June 2019
- The fourth in a series of development dialogues gathered leading experts, representatives of international organisations, as well as state ministries and agencies of Kyrgyzstan to discuss “Industrial and Technological Development of Kyrgyzstan”. The half-day development dialogue took place in Bishkek on June 24th, and was co-organised by the United Nations system in Kyrgyzstan and the University of Central Asia’s (UCA) Institute of Public Policy and Administration (IPPA). These dialogues support work on a long-term national policy on key development issues for Kyrgyzstan.
Industry was highlighted as one of the priority areas for Kyrgyzstan’s development, and participants stressed on its important role in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Experts also shared their recommendations to improve the current situation.
“Bringing all stakeholders together is especially important for us to create a platform for discussion where we can all exchange inputs on industrial development from different perspectives, share opinions and establish a fruitful discussion to reduce traditional sector silos, improve policy coherence and establish a platform for integrated policy formulation in Kyrgyzstan,” stated Acting UN Resident Coordinator, Andrea Bagnoli in his speech.
“As the world enters a transition into the fourth industrial revolution, a key opportunity for Kyrgyzstan is the availability of youth and a relatively high level of human capital,” said Prof. Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi, Rector of UCA. “The role of universities is also very critical, as they act as suppliers of human resources that will drive this economy, and also serve as hubs for research, to help guide the way forward and present new opportunities for development.”
The role of the Kyrgyz Parliament in the nation’s industrial development was discussed including Kyrgyzstan’s strategy for sustainable industry development for 2019-2024. The country’s Action Plan was shared with the participants who were also briefed about the economic policy for technological development.
“If we do not want temperatures to rise, glaciers to melt, and want to strive to save biodiversity, then we need relevant industrial technologies to help us promote global interest without compromising our population needs. There are clean coal combustion technologies, approved by the UN, and we need to agree on where we stand with solid fuel combustion. If we do not use solid fuel, then we will face constant electricity deficit and water shortages during the vegetation season. Quality of life can be significantly improved through industrial development,” noted Abay Alymkulov, Adviser to Vice-Prime-Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The UN-UCA Development Dialogues series will comprise six dialogues, organised over the course of one year, to initiate consultation among government, development partners, civil society, private sector and academia on critical sustainable development subjects. The goal of the Dialogues is to help break down traditional sector silos and enhance horizontal and vertical policy coherence, integration, and partnerships to inform policy formulation in Kyrgyzstan. Each dialogue is designed to include presentations of thematic issues by key stakeholders, a Q&A session, and an open substantive discussion that will be published as a thematic policy brief.

For more information please contact:
Nurshat Ababakirov, Communications Officer, UN Resident Coordinator’s Office at and/or 0770 979 703
Nasir Pirani, Director, Advancement and Public Affairs, University of Central Asia, 0312 910 822