Strategic national program for the development of sustainable food systems by 2030 in the Kyrgyz Republic

This program is a result of the national dialogues "Sustainable Systems of the Kyrgyz Republic: Through the Implementation of Innovative Solutions, Green Economy and Adaptation to Climate Change." On July 8, 2021, a final national dialogue was held in Bishkek with the participation of representatives of the Jogorku Kenesh, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Regional Development, the UN System in the Kyrgyz Republic, academia, youth, and business organizations. Earlier, five dialogues were held: regional ones in Bishkek and Osh; with academic community at the Kyrgyz National Agriculture University; and independent dialogues with business and youth.
During the dialogues, the participants divided into discussion sessions, pointed to an increase in food prices and, as a result, a decrease in their availability, a change in climatic conditions affecting crop yields, a deterioration in the livelihoods of people, problems affecting product safety (the use of chemical fertilizers, cultivation on degraded lands), a decrease in cultivated areas, loss of products due to improper storage and transportation, a low level of quality management system and laboratory equipment.
The Food Systems Summit was initiated by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres last year after discussions with the leadership of three UN agencies - the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Program (WFP) - to transform food systems addressing global challenges such as hunger, climate change and poverty, and making progress towards the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.