Report on Kyrgyzstan’s Progress on Sustainable Development Goals

This report represents the combined contribution from many specialists across the United Nations (UN) family to address the global 2030 Agenda and the associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the context of Kyrgyzstan’s current development path. It has benefited from several studies undertaken in the lead up and following the MAPS week in Bishkek on 25 -30 June 2018. The report also benefited greatly from the open and fruitful discussions held with Government Ministers, technical specialists and representatives from the private sector and civil society.
Initially, much attention was given to the alignment of Kyrgyzstan’s draft national development strategies, the National Development Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic 2018-2040 as well as to the Government’s Programme “Unity, Trust, Creation” 2018-2022 to the SDGs. Subsequently, as per the request of the President’s office, UN MAPS team provided more specific recommendations to the National Development Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic 2018-2040 on the identified gaps. These development plans now represent a foundation for taking sustainable development forward as highlighted in the report. The contents which follow should be seen as a continuation of the UN system engagement supporting the ambition of Kyrgyzstan’s development plans.
Within this report the focus is towards identifying key policy areas where support could result in accelerated progress towards achieving these ambitions as well as responding to the global ambition of the SDGs. The focus of these efforts is on priorities achieving balanced sustainable development and the key drivers and some of the known bottlenecks that will need to be addressed. The report also highlights some areas that will facilitate implementation including an emphasis on financing, monitoring and evaluation, trade and the role of stakeholders.
Promoting such a broad base of growth and development requires a concerted effort on a number of public policy issues and sector reforms which have been outlined in the following. While the report provides a broad strategy for fostering sustainable development, it represents the beginning of further efforts. Along with the UN system, development partners have an important support role to play and I will continue to reach out to them to seek their support to work collaboratively towards sustainable development and the achievement of the SDGs in Kyrgyzstan in the years ahead.
Mr Ozonnia Ojielo
Resident Coordinator of the United Nations system in the Kyrgyz Republic