Monitoring official development assistance to the health sector of the Kyrgyz Republic - 2015 (first edition)

For the first time in Kyrgyzstan, a report monitoring the official development assistance (ODA) to the country’s health sector has been published. ODA is the assistance provided by the official sector, such as external partners, to promote economic development and welfare. ODA reports contribute to aid effectiveness and improve transparency.
The report, coauthored by WHO and the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan, provides an overall picture of ODA to the health sector in 2015. Its objectives are to:
- share information and present a picture of ODA to the health sector across the priorities set out in strategic policy documents;
- provide evidence in support of policy dialogues and the development of coordination mechanisms at national and international levels;
- generate evidence that may help to strengthen development partner coordination in support of the ongoing reforms in the Kyrgyz health sector;
- provide forecasts of future ODA from both short- and medium-term perspectives; and
- inform future national strategic plans and development partners’ strategies to support the Government both financially and technically.
The study, carried out in 2016, gathered detailed quantitative information on the support allocated to specific priority areas and health system strengthening activities – including their geographical distribution and their alignment with national policy. The preparation of the report was a joint effort of the Ministry of Health and the WHO Country Office in Kyrgyzstan, and involved both local and international experts. Preparatory activities included building information systems for data collection, reaching out to various organizations to collect data, and ensuring a validation process in close collaboration with development partners in the health sector.