
UNODC supports the Kyrgyz Government in fight against drug trafficking

26 июня 2018

  • About 275 million people worldwide, which is roughly 5.6 per cent of the global population aged 15–64 years, used drugs at least once during 2016.Some 31 million of people who use drugs suffer from drug use disorders, meaning that their drug use is harmful to the point where they may need treatment. Some 450,000 people died in 2015 as a result of drug use. Of those deaths, 167,750 were directly associated with drug use disorders (mainly overdoses).

“Total global opium production jumped by 65 per cent from 2016 to 2017, to 10,500 tons, easily the highest estimate recorded by UNODC since it started monitoring global opium production at the beginning of the twenty-first century”, said Vera Tkachenko, i.o. Head of the Programme Office of the United Nations Office on drugs and crime in the Kyrgyz Republic at her presentation.

Some 50 representatives of governmental bodies, international organizations, civil society and media took part at the State Coordination Committee on drug control meeting held on 28 June, devoted to the 26 June – International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking.  The event was organized by the Kyrgyz Ministry of Interior in cooperation with the United Nations Programme Office on drugs and crime in the Kyrgyz Republic (UNODC).

The coordination committee aims at consolidation of efforts of all state institutions in creating an effective model of coordination in the sphere of drug control at national level.

“The consequences caused by drug trafficking are our common problem, which we all need to pay special attention to”, said Azamat Araev, Head of the Defense, Law and Order and Emergency Situations department of the Governmental Apparatus of the Kyrgyz Republic. "It is possible to improve the complicated drug situation that was developed in order to enable people of Kyrgyzstan to live without the drugs threat and associated with them negative social phenomena."

According to the World Drug Report 2018, presented today by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), drug markets are expanding, and the production of cocaine and opium reaches absolute record levels, presenting numerous challenges on several fronts. Between 2000 and 2015, the number of deaths caused directly by drug use increased by 60 percent.

"The spread of drug abuse is still one of the global threats," said Yoshihiro Yamamuro, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Kyrgyz Republic. "Practice shows that the successful fight against the drug threat directly depends on the close cooperation of the relevant departments of the countries of the region with international organizations. Undoubtedly, UNODC projects make a significant contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. I am convinced that a systematic approach and active efforts at all available levels will contribute to combating illicit drug trafficking and will have a positive impact on security both in the Kyrgyz Republic and in the region as a whole. "

At the meeting, reports were presented by the Organizational and Analytical Department of the Counter Narcotics Service (CNS) of the Interior Ministry of the Kyrgyz Republic, CNS in Naryn and Issyk-Kul oblasts of Kyrgyzstan, as well as representatives of the Narcology Center and the Department of Drug Supply and Medical Equipment of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Health.

The Kyrgyz Ministry of Interior, the State Committee on National Security of the KR, the State Border Service of the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Penitentiary Service signed a regulation on cooperation in the sphere of combating illicit trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors.

During the meeting, issues on the national and regional drug situation reviewed, results of the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Government's Antinarcotics Program announced, access to legal drugs and psychotropic substances for medical purposes in the country discussed.

Important to note that in March 2018, UNODC received funds from the Government of Japan in the amount of 2.7 mln. US dollars to support for drug control efforts in Kyrgyzstan.

These efforts will be aimed at supporting strong national legislation on drug control, national operational capacities on drug law enforcement, as well as for enhancing the capacities of other competent authorities in maintaining the legal turnover of controlled narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors under the ratified UN conventions. As part of a balanced and comprehensive integrated strategy, the health consequences of drug use especially for the young and vulnerable population will also be addressed.

The State Coordination Meeting is devoted to 26 June – International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. #WorldDrugDay, under the slogan – “Listen First”.  

As part of this day, the Programme Office of the UNODC in Kyrgyzstan conducts number of events in cooperation with Kyrgyz Ministry of Interior and the State Agency for Youth, Physical Culture and Sports under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic: on 18 June – launched series of social, motivational videos for youth “Line Up, Live Up”; on 22 June – Cross Country Running in Botanical Garden under the name of E. Gareev (Ahunbaeva street), Bishkek; on 26 June – the State Coordination Committee on drug control meeting; on 27 June – Line Up, Live Up sport activities on streetball, volleyball and freestyle wrestling in Osh city.


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