10 сентября 2024
Access to Markets Project: Artificial glaciers
The engineers have come up with an effective way to conserve freshwater - building artificial glaciers. Artificial glaciers not only provide better access to drinking water, but also improve pasture rotation, improve microclimate and increase soil moisture, reduce pressure on pastures, help adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects.The Access to Markets Project helped the authors of this initiative to set up 11 artificial glaciers by procuring the necessary materials, funding construction and installation, and conducting trainings to disseminate the method. In total, the authors have implemented 30 projects in six regions of Kyrgyzstan. This video collection was prepared within the framework of the Access to Markets Project funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).The Access to Markets Project (ATMP) is an IFAD-funded project of USD 31.2 million, which was approved in 2016 and will end in December 2024. It aims to raise incomes and enhance economic growth in Kyrgyzstan's pastoralist communities. Its development objective is the improved access and integration of smallholder livestock farmers into remunerative markets for their products, leading to improved and equitable returns. , filtered_html