UNODC - World Customs Organization strengthen Customs officers’ capacity in Strategic Trade and Export Control in Kyrgyzstan
21 мая 2019
- The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the World Customs Organization (WCO) Global Container Control Programme conducted a Strategic Trade and Export Control awareness raising training-course for some 20 Customs officers on 13 to 17 May 2019 in the Regional Training Center of the World Customs Organization in Leninskoe village, Kyrgyzstan.
Aimed at raising awareness and strengthening knowledge of the Customs officers in the field of strategic trade and export control, UNODC and WCO experts Adam Bacheller, Ercan Saka and Vakhtang Tartarashvili built officers capacity in the use of the customs control of industrial equipment, valves, chemical and biological equipment, missile systems, radioactive and nuclear materials as well as biological agents and toxins.
Mr. Almaz Saliev, Deputy Head of Customs Control Department from State Customs Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic underlined the importance of customs control of special items and dual use goods which are regulated by UN SC Resolution 1540 and thanked UNODC-World Customs Organization (WCO) Global Container Control Programme for the valuable training-course.
The United National Security Council Resolution (UNCSR) 1540, unanimously adopted by all members states, places mandatory requirements for member states to maintain and develop appropriate effective border controls and law enforcement efforts to detect, deter, prevent and combat the illicit trafficking or brokering of weapon of mass destruction, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) materials or their associated/components parts.
According to Mr. Batyr Geldiyev, UNODC Regional Programme Coordinator emphasized that illicit trade in strategic commodities is a security threat both nationally and internationally and an increasing challenge for Customs administrations across the globe. He also expressed hope that Port Control Units members and State Customs Service frontline officers will apply the gained knowledge in their daily work aimed to ensure the secure supply chain of goods.
Since Kyrgyzstan joined the Programme in December 2015, the UNODC-World Customs Organization (WCO) Global Container Control Programme (CCP) Regional Segment for Central Asia had conducted a number of training-courses for the Kyrgyz Customs officers strengthening their professional knowledge on profiling and suppressing high risk consignments, provided specialized equipment and access to secure communication system ContainerComm.
The training-course is a part of the UNODC -World Customs Organization (WCO) Global Container Control Programme (CCP) Regional Segment for Central Asia funded by the Government of Japan, the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) and the Export Control and Border Security (EXBS) Programme.

For more information, please contact Vasilina Brazhko (Mrs.)
National Communication/PR Officer, UNODC/ROCA
Cell: +996 775 98 78 17