The UN welcomes the adoption of the Food Security and Nutrition Programme in Kyrgyzstan for 2019-2023
25 июля 2019
- The UN agencies in the Kyrgyz Republic welcome the adoption of a comprehensive programme of food security and nutrition, which is aimed at ensuring the food security of every Kyrgyz citizen during 2019-2023.

WHO, WFP, FAO and UNICEF together with partners from government and civil sectors, academia and the business community participated in the development of a food security and nutrition programme. The new programme serves as a road map for the full realization of the rights of the people to good nutrition and health and development.
“UN agencies are happy to unite efforts with the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in order to improve the physical and economic access of the population, especially the most vulnerable groups, to food and create conditions for their productive life,” stressed Andrea Bagnoli, Country Director of WFP Kyrgyz Republic.
“We will continue to work with communities in remote areas and government to ensure zero hunger and improved access to nutrition. Kyrgyzstan has made progress on several nutrition challenges, but there is work to be done. Stunting rates remain moderately high at 12%. This needs to change to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2”, remarked Munir Mammadzade, Acting Representative of UNICEF in Kyrgyzstan.
Since food security is one of the main priorities of the country's sustainable development and national security, a factor in maintaining its statehood and food independence, the programme includes a wide range of tasks in such sectors as agriculture, health care, education and social protection.
“The UN Agencies are committed to support the implementation of the Food Security and Nutrition Programme in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2019–2023 in order to achieve the strategic priorities of sustainable development, ensure the country's food security and promptly respond to internal and external threats to the stability of the domestic food market,” noted Dinara Rakhmanova, Deputy Representative of FAO in Kyrgyzstan.
The priority tasks of the food security and nutrition program of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2019-2023. will stimulate domestic production of basic food products due to the growth of agricultural efficiency, monitoring food stocks and the sustainability of foreign trade. This will improve the availability and affordability of food for the population. It should be noted that the programme aims to ensure the availability of food to socially vulnerable segments of the population due to the growth of income of poor families, state regulation of prices for basic foodstuffs, and the development of food assistance systems.
The programme aims to improve the nutritional status of the population by eradicating all forms of malnutrition and malnutrition and ensuring food safety. In addition, the programme clearly aligns with the global World Health Assembly targets improving maternal, infant and young child nutrition.
To achieve the objectives of the Programme, all available sources of funding will be mobilized. The main source of funding will be the funds of the republican and local budgets, which in the medium term will be directed to the implementation of specific measures and projects within the framework of the identified priorities. In addition, constructive engagement with development partners for technical and financial support is planned.