Sustainable Development Goals Youth Ambassadors in the Kyrgyz Republic 2021

The goal of the project is to spread the ideas of sustainable development and the SDGs in the Kyrgyz Republic through youth activism.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Youth Ambassadors is a project implemented in the Kyrgyz Republic since 2019 through close cooperation of the UN System in the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Agency for Youth, Physical Culture and Sports in the Kyrgyz Republic.
The goal of the project is to spread the ideas of sustainable development and the SDGs in the Kyrgyz Republic through youth activism. From September 2019 to June 2020 the first cohort of the 34 Youth Ambassadors hosted over a hundred events, having told about sustainable development and the SDGs to over 12 000 people. The report on the activities of the first cohort of the Youth Ambassadors can be found here.
In 2020 the project was split into two stages. In the first stage (the “SDG Academy”) 20 youth activists from the whole country were selected from 300 applications for intensive learning in the field of sustainable development and skills training in communication and designing social projects. The five top performing SDG Academy participants were selected to become SDG Youth Ambassadors.
In May 2021, a new group of five SDG Ambassadors will take up their duties. Their activities include promoting the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda at the level of peers, communities and the whole country and mobilizing volunteers to support the achievement of the SDGs through organizing events of various formats, public dissemination of information about sustainable development and its achievement in the Kyrgyz Republic and participation in events related to sustainable development as speakers and youth experts.
SDG Youth Ambassadors in 2021 are Ms. Miraida Almazbekova, Ms. Aigul Davranova, Ms. Aliia Mamyrkanova, Ms. Eliza Uraimova and Mr. Danil Tsoi.

Ms. Miraida Almazbekova, 18 years old, Batken
+996 706 780 781,
Student of the Kyrgyz-Turkish University "Manas". For three years, she has been actively involved in public events on climate change issues, and also works to eliminate inequalities in education, support those in need, respect human rights, and improve the cleanliness and potential of the city of Batken. Participates in more than seven volunteer groups, including AIESEC, Enactus, Biota and the “Elim Barsykby?” Fund. Together with these organizations, she has implemented many social projects that have helped change the lives of some people. As a future environmental engineer and an SDG Youth Ambassador, Miraida wants to focus on the SDGs related to environmental issues.

Ms. Aigul Davranova, 21 years old, Bishkek
+996 552 565 668,
In everyday life, she deals with issues of gender equality, quality education and legal awareness of youth. Now she is implementing the projects “School of Leadership” on leadership skills and “School of Law” on legal literacy for young people, contributing to the development of Kyrgyzstan. She works as a deputy director in the public fund “Country Network of Women Living with HIV” and helps women with HIV-positive status to develop, acquire new skills, and also provides them with legal assistance. Conducted a rapid assessment study on the services and needs of children living with HIV. She first learnt about the SDGs when the United Nations Development Program began recruiting volunteers. Most interested in SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and SDG 10 (Reducing Inequality). As an SDG Ambassador, she plans to raise awareness among the population on issues that could change people's attitudes towards certain issues, such as girls' career choices after high school.

Ms. Aliia Mamyrkanova, 22 years old, Bishkek
+996 555 722 780,
Activist. Acts on the principle “think globally, act locally”. She learnt about the SDG concept in 2016, during her studies she organized six social projects, including teaching youth leadership skills and English. She believes that if as many people as possible are made aware of global problems, then they can be solved faster. Most interested in SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 10 (Reducing Inequalities). As an SDG Ambassador, she plans to spread the ideas of the SDGs in Kyrgyzstan, with an emphasis on working with youth, activists and volunteers.

Ms. Eliza Uraimova, 18 years old, Osh
+996 755 100 517,
Believes that social cohesion and stability in society play a key role on the path to development, but they can only be achieved through quality education. Through volunteering and activism, she spreads ideas of tolerance and non-discrimination towards women, girls and ethnic minorities. Her main goal in life is to contribute to the development of society. She learned about the SDGs from a friend who inspired her to become a member of the SDG Academy. Of all the SDGs, she is most interested in SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), because she considers them to be key for the prosperity of our society. As an SDG Ambassador, she plans to spread ideas about the SDGs among compatriots, inspiring young people to self-development, and guide others to develop in the field of the SDGs.

Mr. Danil Tsoi, 19 years old, Bishkek
+996 552 427 844,
3rd year student of the Law Faculty of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University. Involved in volunteering for about two years. Got acquainted with the concept of the SDGs in 2019. He began his career as a volunteer at the United Nations Development Programme, now he runs the Public Platform “Young Leaders for Social Progress (YLSP)”, where, with a team of initiative youth, he is developing and implementing creative initiatives and projects to promote the SDGs in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. He has implemented many youth initiatives and events, being the inspiring force and coordinator of the “Law in Action”, “L-CORP” projects, the #SDGGamesKG event campaign and other social events. He is also the UN Youth Delegate from the Kyrgyz Republic for 2021-2022. Danil actively promotes the SDGs with a focus on goals that are directly or indirectly related to the problems of environmental protection and biodiversity conservation, with topical issues of the development of legal institutions and the protection of human rights, as well as quality education of young people and the introduction of new approaches and innovative methods of solving such problems. As an SDG Ambassador, he plans to work on the creation of a volunteer corps, the organization of a regional forum on the SDGs, the development of an interactive SDG game, a youth leadership program and a scientific conference for young scientists.
The Sustainable Development Goals are the 17 goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda), a comprehensive international document adopted in 2015 by 193 UN member states, including Kyrgyzstan. The Goals cover all of the major challenges of humankind and set multiple targets for achievement by 2030.