Press Release

UN Discuss UNDAF Evaluation Report with Stakeholders

12 October 2021

On 12 October 2021, the UN system in the Kyrgyz Republic held a UNDAF Evaluation Validation meeting, which was attended by the government, international partner and civil society representatives. The purpose of the meeting was to present the initial results of the assessment of the 2018-2022 UNDAF implementation by the UN in the Kyrgyz Republic.  

In his welcome remarks, UN Resident Coordinator Ozonnia Ojielo stated that the report was prepared by consultants to ensure integrity and independence of the assessment and would be available publicly once finalized. He noted that the report provides lessons learnt for the UNCT, as the development becomes more complex, with multiplied challenges, requiring the UN to respond in different ways. He added that the report helped the UNCT learn about the perspectives of its stakeholders on the effectiveness and procedures of the UN and its collective actions with its partners.

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UNRC stressed that in the context of UN Development System Reform, the UN accountability has increased not only to the Government but also to non-state actors, civil society, community groups, private sector, trade union movements. He said, “We need to hear you views more to better learn the challenges you face and how well we are doing and involve you more in how we monitor and track the implementation of our programs and increase your sense of ownership of the program. It does not just belong to the UN system; it belongs to the government and people of the Kyrgyz Republic. We are your instruments for helping you realize your national development ambitions.”

Daniyar Imanaliev, Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, in his remarks thanked the UN for the critical assistance during the pandemic as well as significant recommendations provided to the recently endorsed National mid-term development program until 2026. The Deputy Minister called for strengthening coordination and abridged collaboration considering the increasing development challenges, with a focus on results and transparency of data as well as the assistance opportunities that the UN brings.   

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In her speech, Aisuluu Amanova, the Ministry of Economy and Finance official, noting the ministry’s coordination role for the country programs and UNDAF, informed that in 2020 the Government submitted the Voluntary National Review of the SDG progress, identifying areas that require more assistance from stakeholders, including the development partners, private sector and civil society. She shared the Ministry’s plans for closer engagement with stakeholders, embedding SDG indicators in local managements, and joining regional SDG tracker platforms.

Representatives of civil society organizations spoke about importance of further strengthening the capacities of NGOs, including in monitoring the progress of SDGs; called for more attention to the needs of women in the COVID-19 context, which adversely affected the small and medium business where many women are employed; stressed the need for formalizing the shadow economy, especially the textile sector.

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UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Resident Coordinator Office

Goals we are supporting through this initiative