Press Release

Kyrgyzstan strengthens export potential with advanced trade negotiation programme

16 September 2024

The Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic, in partnership with the World Trade Organization (WTO), has conducted a comprehensive four-day capacity-building programme on negotiating trade agreements. This initiative, supported by the UNDP’s Aid for Trade project and the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, aimed to advance export potential and foster sustainable economic growth in Kyrgyzstan

On September 10-13, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic, in partnership with the World Trade Organization (WTO), has conducted a comprehensive four-day capacity-building programme on negotiating trade agreements. This initiative, supported by the UNDP’s Aid for Trade project and the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, aimed to advance export potential and foster sustainable economic growth in Kyrgyzstan.

Following a request from the Kyrgyz Republic’s Ministry of Economy and Commerce, the WTO conducted an intensive capacity-building effort to equip Kyrgyz trade representatives with essential skills and knowledge for effective participation in global trade discussions and agreements. This collaboration underscored Kyrgyzstan’s commitment to navigating the complexities of international trade and aligning its national policies with international standards.

“This educational program provided specialists from ministries and agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic with a deep understanding of WTO principles and agreements, trade policy analysis, and negotiation strategies. It also offered an opportunity to improve their skills in the area of concluding trade agreements,” said Nazarbek Malaev, Deputy Minister of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Through this strategic partnership, UNDP reaffirmed its commitment to supporting Kyrgyzstan in achieving its developmental goals and integrating more effectively into the global economy. 

“UNDP is committed to advancing Kyrgyzstan’s export potential by enhancing trade negotiation skills and promoting adherence to international trade standards. This training is a key component of our broader strategy to strengthen Kyrgyzstan’s integration into the global market and drive sustainable economic development” – said Alexandra Solovieva, UNDP Resident representaive in Kyrgyzstan.

The capacity-building effort covered a broad range of topics, including an introduction to WTO principles and agreements, methods for analyzing trade policies, and strategies for developing robust negotiation plans. Participants explored ways to address technical barriers and ensure adherence to WTO rules through practical case studies and interactive simulations. These efforts are essential for positioning Kyrgyzstan as a competitive player in the global market and driving its sustainable economic development.

For media inquiries, please contact Ainagul Abdrakhmanova, UNDP Communications Officer in Kyrgyzstan at

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United Nations Development Programme

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