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05 март 2021UNDP GEF Small Grants Programmes announces a call for proposals on “COVID-19 support to territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities"
UNDP GEF Small Grants Programmes announces a call for proposals on “COVID-19 support to territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCAs). Details of the call in Russian can be found in the document - Объявление грантового конкурса_Климатическая справедливость_фев2021_RUS.
All interested civil society organizations should submit their project proposals in Russian language per the template - Форма грантовой заявки_Климатическая справедливость_ПМГ ГЭФ_янв2021.
The full application package must be scanned and its scan should be sent as a single file to NurlanbekS@unops.org not later than 17:00, 5th March 2021. Also, the full application package can be delivered and handed over in a sealed package to GEF SGP National Coordinator at the following address:
UNDP Programme Office, 6th floor, 195 Kievskaya Street, Bishkek, 720010, Kyrgyzstan.