UN talks "Every Girl Has a Dream" empower women and girls
11 декабрь 2018
- On 11 December 2018 the United Nations agencies conducted a meeting entitled “Every Girl Has a Dream!” in the format of UN talks in Bishkek. It was dedicated to the closure of the international campaign “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence” in Kyrgyzstan. This year, the campaign was held under the slogan "#HearMeToo: end violence against women and girls."
The event became a platform for exchanging views, motivational speeches and success stories for girls from novostroikas and schools in Bishkek and Chui province. Successful individuals shared their stories and skills with girls who would like to change their lives for the better, realize their potential and believe in themselves.
Event organizers said, “Today we are witnessing the fact that girls and women can fulfill themselves in any field of activity, profession and make their contribution to the development of their community. Every year, the UN system organizes such platforms, where we can see many interesting individuals that inspire us to move further in this direction - in the empowerment of women and girls.”
The UN Talks aim to ensure that girls meet women and girls who have been able to achieve success in various fields of activity: rescue operations, football, satellite building, entrepreneurship, education, and more.
“I always wanted to be strong and help people. There were 5 children in our family, I am the eldest sibling and always had to stand up for the younger ones. And, probably, that is the reason why I have chosen this profession - rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. When my mother found out what profession I had chosen, first she said: ‘El emne deyt?’ (What will people say?). But now she is proud of me, my family - my husband also serves for the Ministry of Emergency Situations; and we have five children. And people, on the contrary, turn to me for help and only with gratitude,” medical rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Makhabat Nazarbekova said at the meeting.
“I was very happy when I entered KSUCTA (Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture) and began studying with my peers to become an interior designer. I was told: “You are not only a woman, you are also a person with disability. It is going to be difficult for you.” I think this is double discrimination. But I did not give up. I dreamed of becoming a mother, getting married and opening my own dance school. And my dream came true - I have a family and a child now. We have recently opened a dance school for people with disabilities. I decided to help girls and women who find themselves in the same position as I do - to believe in themselves,” founder of the first dance school for people with disabilities of the “Love Life” Foundation Ainura Teleusheva said.
After hearing the stories at the UN Talks, the participants wrote their dreams on a specially prepared stand “Every Girl Has a Dream!”. According to the organizers, this stand will be installed in the UN House and will serve as a reminder of the importance of being able to listen and be heard.
The event was organized by UN Women, WFP, FAO, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNDP.