The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for the Kyrgyz Republic 2018-2022

This Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for the period 2018-2022 is a framework of cooperation results and strategies that will contribute to the achievement of country strategic priorities6, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This
7 framework builds on the successes of the previous UNDAF and continues the Delivering-as-One approach .
It describes how the Government and UN system agencies will, drawing on their full range of expertise and resources, work in partnership to achieve development results.
This UNDAF reinforces the strong partnership between the Government and UN system agencies to achieve country priorities. The Government has the primary responsibility and accountability for achieving the planned UNDAF outcomes. Based on their comparative advantages in the Kyrgyz Republic (KR), UN system agencies will contribute policy advice, in accordance with international norms, standards, best practices, and support capacity development at national and local levels – both within and beyond government institutions. These new capacities will strengthen the implementation and monitoring of national strategies, policies and plans. Emphasis is placed on those strategies, policies and plans that align strongly with the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) and targets, which provide the fundamental basis for cooperation with UN system 9 agencies .
The UNDAF common budget framework (CBF) provides the UN system agencies contributions with an overview of required and available resources to support implementation, and any funding gaps. Full implementation of the UNDAF will require an estimated total of USD 221,171 mln. This includes the committed USD 74,742 mln from core and non-core resources. The estimated funding gap is USD 144,877 mln. The SCC will support UN system’s efforts to raise funds required for implementation of UNDAF.
This UNDAF represents a joint commitment by the Government and UN to work together in a spirit of cooperation with the people of the Kyrgyz Republic to realise changes that will help them to live longer, healthier and more prosperous lives.