Jash araket: Strengthening capacity of young women and men in Kyrgyzstan to promote peace and security

The project will facilitate safe dialogue spaces for young women and young men in Kyrgyzstan to collectively identify and and articulate their peace and security concerns, empower youth to advocate for action and accountability from their authorities, and create opportunities for meaningful youth participation in decision-making processes around peace and security. The project will pilot an innovative WhatsApp peacebuilding course, launch youth-led community peace initiatives and advocacy campaigns, and facilitate the first-ever youth-led report in Kyrgyzstan on youth perceptions of the Government’s progress on the commitments made to the Agenda 2030 global goals related to youth, gender, peace and security. This unique project will amplify the voices of youth and promote inclusive processes in a context where youth have been largely excluded from local, sub-national, and national-level decision-making.