
IFAD back to the field to review agricultural value chains project

03 май 2021

UN International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Country Director Mr Samir Bejaoui and Mission’s Team Leader Mr Lee Sorensen visited the Kyrgyz Republic in May to assess the progress of the ‘Access to Markets Project (ATMP). The IFAD delegation visited processing enterprises and farming groups seeking grants under the project, and shared the mission’s findings and recommendations with Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Regional Development Mr Azamat Mukashev.

IFAD Country Director Mr Samir Bejaoui and Mission’s Team Leader Mr Lee Sorensen meet Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Regional Development Mr Azamat Mukashev
Caption: IFAD Country Director Mr Samir Bejaoui and Mission’s Team Leader Mr Lee Sorensen meet with Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Regional Development Mr Azamat Mukashev
Photo: © IFAD

The six-year project (2018-2023), covering all regions of Kyrgyzstan, has an estimated total cost of USD 55.4 million. It aims to develop efficient and sustainable value chains for livestock products such as dairy, livestock, wool and honey, and to modernize sanitary conditions in animal husbandry. Processing enterprises are being encouraged to link up with small farmers and veterinarians to create value chains that improve the incomes of all concerned.

IFAD Country Director Mr Samir Bejaoui and Mission’s Team Leader Mr Lee Sorensen with farmers
Caption: IFAD Country Director Mr Samir Bejaoui and Mission’s Team Leader Mr Lee Sorensen with farmers
Photo: © IFAD

To attract farmers to receive support from the project, social mobilization has been carried out for the raw material providers working with identified agro-processing companies. As a result, 43 farming groups were created to purvey their milk, meat and honey to processing facilities.

Mr Mukashev highlighted challenges related to the quality of livestock breeds and fodder and the degradation of pastures. He also underlined the importance of sustainable value chains for food safety. He added that projects only create real benefit when business structures and government bodies are able to take over the baton of innovative solutions.

Mr Bejaoui confirmed that ATMP is already addressing most of the identified obstacles and that in preparation of the upcoming mid-term review mission foreseen later this year, further focus will be given to the farmers groups’ needs in terms of capacity-building, forage production, increase of breed quality as well as good governance, and therefore ensure sustainability of IFAD’s investment through ATMP in the rural areas of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Самир Беджауи

Самир Беджауи

Айыл чарба өнүктүрүү боюнча эл аралык фонддун өлкө директору (Кыргыз Республикасы жана Молдова Республикасы) Жакынкы Чыгыш, Түндүк Африка жана Европа бөлүмү
Самир Беджауи – Кыргыз Республикасындагы жана Молдова Республикасындагы Айыл-чарбаны өнүктүрүүнүн эл аралык фондунун аймактык директору. 2010-жылдан баштап Самир Беджауи туруксуз, чыр-чатактар орун алган жана кирешеси ортодон төмөн болгон өлкөлөрдө долбоорлорду башкаруу менен алектенген. Ал мамлекеттик сатып алуулар, өндүрүштүк-сатып өткөрүү байланыштарын өнүктүрүү жана фермердик уюмдарга колдоо көрсөтүү чөйрөсүндө чоң тажрыйбага ээ.

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International Fund for Agricultural Development

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