UN Common Country Analysis Update - Kyrgyz Republic

The CCA Update for the Kyrgyz Republic provides an overall assessment of key gaps and trends in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development1 since the formulation of the 2016 CCA. The intention of the CCA Update is not to reassess those aspects of the 2016 CCA that continue to be valid, including the assessment of the human rights protection framework and mechanisms of the Kyrgyz Republic, but to focus primarily on new data, analyses and issues that have emerged in the last three years and which can inform UN programming for the remaining period of the UNDAF 2018-2022.
It reviews how national development strategies and plans reflect the 2030 Agenda, and examines structural causes for remaining development challenges, patterns of exclusion and vulnerable groups, as well as latest data and data gaps with regards to the principle of “leaving no one behind, and reaching the furthest behind first” (LNOB). Finally, it outlines some perspectives and risks for sustainable development, and provides conclusions on how to consider the CCA Update findings and recent developments at country level for UN programming planning in the remaining period of the current UNDAF.