Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators in the Kyrgyz Republic 2014-2018

In September 2015, world leaders at a historic United Nations summit adopted the global plan of action: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action from all countries — poor, rich and middle-income.They are intended to improve well-being and protect our planet. States recognize that measures to eliminate poverty must be taken in parallel with efforts to increase economic growth and address a range of issues in the areas of education, health, social protection and employment, as well as combating climate change and protecting the environment. In accordance with the commitments made, over the next 10 years countries will step up their efforts to eradicate poverty in all its forms, combat inequality, address climate change, and ensure that no one is behind.The final document "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda" contains 17 global goals, 169 related goals and 232 indicators.
The Kyrgyz Republic, along with other countries, has committed itself to contributing to achievement of the global SDGs, as well as to monitoring indicators of SDG achievement. In this way, under the National Development Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic 2018-2040, Kyrgyzstan will strive to achieve the adopted Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.
The National Statistical Committee (NSC) – as a member of the coordinating Committee for Adaptation, Implementation and Monitoring of the 2030 SDGs in the Kyrgyz Republic and the steering body of the Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group for the preparation of Voluntary National Review of progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and in accordance with the decision of the 47th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission on the collection of global SDG indicators on the basis of standardized and comparable official statistical data produced in accordance with the fundamental principles of official statistics – has the authority to lead and oversee data collection and evidence-based efforts related to the SDGs.
In order to adapt the global indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Kyrgyz Republic, an inventory of SDG targets and indicators was conducted in 2017, taking into account national priorities. During this work, of the 232 global indicators national indicators were developed with targets for 140 indicators and 157 additional national indicators were developed with targets; this should enable monitoring of achievement of the SDGs.
Availability of global SDG indicators. The statistical capacity assessment revealed that Kyrgyzstan is ready to report immediately on 102 indicators, or 50 per cent of all applicable global SDG indicators. Of the 102 available and easily accessible indicators, 71 indicators (70 per cent) are produced by the NSC and 28 (27 per cent) by ministries and agencies, 3 indicators (3 per cent) are produced by the NSC jointly with ministries and agencies.2
The Kyrgyz Republic adheres to the main message of the 2030 Agenda "leave no one behind". With this in mind, significant attention is paid to the disaggregation of SDG indicators. Analysis of the availability of global indicators has revealed that as of 1 January 2020, 55 indicators are available with disaggregation by geographical location, 42 by gender, 29 by age, 19 by income, and 18 by education.There are gaps in the preparation of disaggregated data on migration status and persons with disabilities.

One of the data sources for monitoring the SDGs is the integrated household survey. Another is a specialized survey on the situation of women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic with comparable data at the international level- Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS).3 The Kyrgyz Republic has conducted three rounds of the survey. During MICS 2018, data were collected for 31 global SDG monitoring indicators, disaggregated by main criteria (gender, age, geographical location, education, income level, nationality, and functional limitations).
This compilation contains 106 indicators for 16 Sustainable Development Goals (80 global indicators and 13 national indicators), disaggregated to the extent possible. The section on SDG 14 “Conservation and rational use of oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” does not contain data, due to the lack of relevance of the indicators to the Kyrgyz Republic.The data presented are collected from the statistical system and administrative sources. More detailed information on the SDG indicators can be found on the National SDG Reporting Platform.4
The data in the collection are presented for the last five years, and data for 2010 are also provided for trend analysis.
The introduction sections for the Goals draw, to varying extents, on global SDG website: https://
Full version of the report is available on:…